
Founders mark, John Taylor 1950
Bells at rest

About the bells.

There is very little known of the bells before 1783 when it is recorded that the existing 3 bells would be exchanged for a new ring of 6 to be cast by Daltons of York. The Tenor of this peal weighed in at 9-2-13 and only one peal is recorded as being rung, Plain Bob Minor in 1932.

In 1950 the bells were deemed to be of poor tone, but were too thin to be re-tuned. Instead they were recast by John Taylor of Loughborough including canons so that the existing headstocks could be used. It has been found that in recent research that this was at the insistance of the architect of the time, against the advice of the foundry and the wishes of the church.

A number of cracks appearing in the tower raised concerns about the bells causing the damage. In 1979 a major project was undertaken that saw a concrete ring beam installed and the bells installed on a new stell bellframe much lower in the tower. The project included casting 2 new trebles to make a full octave. The new bells were cast with canons to match the existing bells.

For 2025 another project has been planned to remove the canons and rehang the bells on new cast iron headstocks. This is expected to improve the 'go' of the bells and correct the odd-struckness that they have always suffered from.

Bell Weight Diam Founder
Treble 3-2-2 A♭ 23.62 Taylor 1978
Second 4-0-2 G 24.88 Taylor 1978
Third 4-0-2 F 27.56 Dalton 1783 *
Fourth 4-2-3 E♭ 26.00 Dalton 1783 *
Fifth 5-0-12 D♭ 28.94 Dalton 1783 *
Sixth 5-3-0 C 30.31 Dalton 1783 *
Seventh 7-1-1 B♭ 33.66 Dalton 1783 *
Tenor 9-3-6 A♭ 37.00 Dalton 1783 *
* Recast by John Taylor 1950
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About the church.

Brief history of the church building.